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Laracasts - All videos Included [ 6 August 2014 ]
Video > Other
8.41 GB

laracasts php

Aug 6, 2014

├── 00001 - laravel-guard-intro.mp4
├── 01-laravel-installation-for-newbs.mp4
├── 02-from-zero-to-deploy-with-fortrabbit.mp4
├── 03-atom-feeds-decoded.mp4
├── 04-mailers.mp4
├── 05-environments-and-configuration.mp4
├── 06-many-to-many-relationships.mp4
├── 07-easy-asset-management.mp4
├── 08-the-ioc-container.mp4
├── 09-observables.mp4
├── 100-open-closed-principle.mp4
├── 101-liskov-substituion-principle.mp4
├── 102-interface-segregation.mp4
├── 103-dependency-inversion.mp4
├── 104-sessions-cookies-caching.mp4
├── 105-gulp-this.mp4
├── 106-all-about-filters.mp4
├── 107-build-a-url-shortener-part-1.mp4
├── 108-build-a-url-shortener-part-2.mp4
├── 109-deploying-your-app.mp4
├── 10-where-do-i-put-this.mp4
├── 110-psr-4-autoloading.mp4
├── 111-laravel-and-gulp.mp4
├── 112-sorting-tabular-data.mp4
├── 113-fast-testing-in-vim.mp4
├── 114-phpstorm-testing-workflow.mp4
├── 115-regression-testing.mp4
├── 116-phpspec-is-so-good.mp4
├── 117-your-laravel-task-runner.mp4
├── 118-private-keys-go-here.mp4
├── 119-sass-readability.mp4
├── 11-understanding-rest.mp4
├── 120-dev-machine-setup.mp4
├── 121-dev-machine-setup-phpstorm.mp4
├── 122-repositories-and-inheritance.mp4
├── 123-testing-with-virtual-file-systems.mp4
├── 124-customer-analysis-with-trak-io.mp4
├── 125-pass-data-to-your-javascript.mp4
├── 126-get-off-mamp-now.mp4
├── 127-fast-workflow-with-generators.mp4
├── 128-continuous-integration-with-travis.mp4
├── 129-painless-subscriptions-with-laravel-and-stripe.mp4
├── 12-restful-forms.mp4
├── 130-cache-tags-and-memcached.mp4
├── 131-phpspec-laravel-and-refactoring.mp4
├── 132-composer-package-development-best-practices.mp4
├── 133-bulk-email-notifications-part-1.mp4
├── 134-bulk-email-notifications-part-2.mp4
├── 135-efficient-sql-queries.mp4
├── 136-view-presenters-from-scratch.mp4
├── 137-extracting-packages.mp4
├── 138-service-providers-decoded.mp4
├── 139-laravel-installation-for-newbs.mp4
├── 13-repositories-simplified.mp4
├── 140-the-unit-testing-laravel-facades-conundrum.mp4
├── 141-form-macros-for-the-win.mp4
├── 143-beanstalkd-queues-with-laravel.mp4
├── 144-handling-failed-jobs-in-laravel.mp4
├── 145-supervise-this.mp4
├── 146-entities-versus-value-objects.mp4
├── 147-whats-new-in-php-5-6.mp4
├── 149-maybe-you-should-use-sqlite.mp4
├── 14-incremental-validation.mp4
├── 150-laravel-updating-to-4-1-26.mp4
├── 151-a-whirlwind-tour-of-the-laracasts-source.mp4
├── 152-integration-testing-with-factories.mp4
├── 153-arrays-on-steroids.mp4
├── 154-form-validation-simplified.mp4
├── 155-from-install-to-registration-part-1.mp4
├── 156-from-install-to-registration-part-2.mp4
├── 157-building-user-profiles.mp4
├── 158-term-ioc-container.mp4
├── 159-decoding-laravels-magic.mp4
├── 15-vim-and-laravel.mp4
├── 160-bowery-is-pretty-darn-insanely-cool.mp4
├── 161-laracasts-live.mp4
├── 162-introducing-laravel-homestead.mp4
├── 163-flexible-flash-messages.mp4
├── 164-clean-javascript-with-browserify.mp4
├── 165-get-it-done-with-codeception.mp4
├── 166-the-interface-necessity.mp4
├── 167-testing-email-in-laravel.mp4
├── 168-laracasts-crons-and-notifications.mp4
├── 169-the-decorator-pattern.mp4
├── 16-auth-essentials.mp4
├── 170-laravel-and-mandrill-in-minutes.mp4
├── 171-php-password-hashing.mp4
├── 172-laravel-routing-best-practices.mp4
├── 173-users-and-roles.mp4
├── 174 - Introducing Laravel Commander.mp4
├── 175 - Commander and Domain Events.mp4
├── 176 - Build Artisan Commands With TDD: Part 1.mp4
├── 177 - Build Artisan Commands With TDD: Part 2.mp4
├── 178 - Sanitizers and PHPSpec.mp4
├── 17-ironclad-queues.mp4
├── 18-tdd-by-example.mp4
├── 19-namespacing-primer.mp4
├── 20-crons-and-commands.mp4
├── 21-workers-with-fortrabbit.mp4
├── 22-you-must-use-composer.mp4
├── 23-flash-messages.mp4
├── 24-responsibility.mp4
├── 25-route-model-binding.mp4
├── 26-caching-essentials.mp4
├── 27-event-driven-code.mp4
├── 28-git-workflow.mp4
├── 29-polymorphic-huh.mp4
├── 30-iterate-anything.mp4
├── 31-testing-crash-course.mp4
├── 32-view-composers.mp4
├── 33-search-essentials.mp4
├── 34-when-to-interface.mp4
├── 35-model-events.mp4
├── 36-just-use-ctags.mp4
├── 37-laravel-remote-component.mp4
├── 38-mock-that-thang.mp4
├── 39-decoding-facades.mp4
├── 40-vagrant-simplified.mp4
├── 41-say-no-to-implicit-routing.mp4
├── 42-vagrant-and-laravel.mp4
├── 43-form-model-binding.mp4
├── 44-intended-redirections.mp4
├── 45-mass-assignment-explained.mp4
├── 46-password-resets.mp4
├── 47-controller-cleanup.mp4
├── 48-dependency-injection-containers.mp4
├── 49-commands-101.mp4
├── 50-commands-201.mp4
├── 51-acceptance-testing-with-behat.mp4
├── 52-when-to-app-make.mp4
├── 53-reports-and-graphs.mp4
├── 54-Presenters.mp4
├── 55-save-time-with-bower.mp4
├── 56-eager-loading.mp4
├── 57-one-form-to-rule-them-all.mp4
├── 58-fun-with-dates.mp4
├── 59-soft-deletions.mp4
├── 60-lets-talk-exceptions.mp4
├── 61-advanced-eloquent-selections.mp4
├── 62-bash-bootstraps.mp4
├── 63-artisan-tail.mp4
├── 64-active-states.mp4
├── 65-foreign-key-constraints.mp4
├── 66-laravel-password-resets-in-4-1.mp4
├── 67-package-development-101.mp4
├── 68-fortrabbit-deploment-files.mp4
├── 69-tinkering-with-boris.mp4
├── 70-migrations-decoded.mp4
├── 71-seeds-and-fakes.mp4
├── 72-hands-on-payments.mp4
├── 73-search-and-custom-facades.mp4
├── 74-csrf-explained.mp4
├── 75-better-error-tracking-with-bugsnag.mp4
├── 76-basic-authentication-in-four-minutes.mp4
├── 77-discussing-transports.mp4
├── 78-upgrade-laravel-to-4-1.mp4
├── 79-make-phpstorm-pretty.mp4
├── 80-use-events-leverage.mp4
├── 81-handle-html-meta-tags.mp4
├── 82-laravel-and-angular.mp4
├── 83-coding-with-intent.mp4
├── 84-crazy-simple-pagination.mp4
├── 85-wildcard-subdomains.mp4
├── 86-email-notifications-with-mailchimp.mp4
├── 87-file-uploads-101.mp4
├── 88-laravel-image-manipulation.mp4
├── 89-vagrant-and-sequel-pro.mp4
├── 90-postgres-and-laravel.mp4
├── 91-laravel-community-crash-course.mp4
├── 92-favorites-part-1.mp4
├── 93-favorites-part-2.mp4
├── 94-http-requests-with-guzzle.mp4
├── 95-refactoring-fun.mp4
├── 96-testing-http-requests.mp4
├── 97-test-databases-in-memory.mp4
├── 98-logs-queries-timelines.mp4
├── 99-solid-single-responsibility-principle.mp4
├── Billing With Stripe
│   ├── 01 - The Stripe Dashboard.mp4
│   ├── 02 - Building the Form.mp4
│   ├── 03 - Stripe.js.mp4
│   └── 04 - Finally, Charging.mp4
├── Commands and Domain Events
│   ├── 01-command-objects.mp4
│   ├── 02-the-command-bus.mp4
│   ├── 03-command-handlers.mp4
│   ├── 04-clean-event-listeners.mp4
│   └── 05-usage-recap.mp4
├── Digging In
│   ├── 01 - Setup.mp4
│   ├── 02 - Design and Migrations.mp4
│   ├── 03 - Relationships.mp4
│   ├── 04 - Gravatars and Eager Loading.mp4
│   ├── 05 - Cleanup.mp4
│   ├── 06 - Forms.mp4
│   ├── 07 - Validation and Creators.mp4
│   ├── 08 - Validation Redux.mp4
│   ├── 09 - Completing Tasks
│   └── readMe.txt
├── How to be Awesome in PHPStorm
│   ├── 01-Hello.mp4
│   ├── 02-Color IDE.mp4
│   ├── 03-Minimalism.mp4
│   ├── 04-The Two Most Important Keybindings.mp4
│   ├── 05-Create New Files Quickly.mp4
│   ├── 06-Custom File Templates.mp4
│   ├── 09-refactoring-name-and-method.mp4
│   ├── 10-refactoring-pull-up.mp4
│   ├── 11-refactoring-extract-interface.mp4
│   ├── 12 - Refactoring: Extract and Inline Variable.mp4
│   ├── 13 - Fast Composition.mp4
│   ├── 14 - Navigating to Sass Symbols.mp4
│   ├── 15 - PHPStorm's Laravel Facades Issue.mp4
│   ├── 16 - Multiple Cursors.mp4
│   ├── 17 - Splits.mp4
│   ├── 18 - Vi-Mode With Mappings.mp4
│   ├── 19 - Xdebug.mp4
│   └── 21 - Composer Dependencies and PHPStorm.mp4
├── Incremental APIs
│   ├── 01-We Need Dummy Data.mp4
│   ├── 02-Level 1 Eloquent Queries to JSON.mp4
│   ├── 03-Level 2 Responses and Codes.mp4
│   ├── 04-Level 3 Transformations.mp4
│   ├── 05-Extraction.mp4
│   ├── 06-Refactoring.mp4
│   ├── 07-Level 4 Basic Authentication.mp4
│   ├── 08-Level 5 Seeders Reloaded.mp4
│   ├── 09-Level 6 Tags and Nested Resources.mp4
│   ├── 10-Level 7 Tests...Readable Ones!.mp4
│   ├── 11-Refactoring Tests and Traits.mp4
│   └── 12-API Pagination.mp4
├── Laravel Forge
│   ├── 01-Say Hello to Forge.mp4
│   ├── 02-Why Forge.mp4
│   ├── 03-Your First Project.mp4
│   ├── 04-Connecting to Your Database.mp4
│   └── 05-Using Environment Variables.mp4
├── Laravel From Scratch
│   ├── 01-Installation.mp4
│   ├── 02-M-V-Huh.mp4
│   ├── 03-Models.mp4
│   ├── 04-Database Access.mp4
│   ├── 05-Eloquent Basics.mp4
│   ├── 06-Blade Basics.mp4
│   ├── 07-Master Pages.mp4
│   ├── 08-From Closures to Controllers.mp4
│   ├── 09-Resourceful Routing.mp4
│   ├── 10-Forms.mp4
│   ├── 11-Record Creation.mp4
│   ├── 12-Validation.mp4
│   ├── 13-Refactoring.mp4
│   ├── 14-Preparing Your Database.mp4
│   ├── 15-Authentication.mp4
│   └── 16-Goodbye.mp4
├── Let's Build Larabook From Scratch
│   ├── 001 - The Virtual Machine.mp4
│   ├── 002 - Dependencies.mp4
│   ├── 003 - Database Configuration and Sequel Pro.mp4
│   ├── 004- The Master Page.mp4
│   ├── 005 - Designing the Home Page.mp4
│   ├── 006 - Gulp, Sass, and Autoprefixing.mp4
│   ├── 007 - Registration with BDD.mp4
│   ├── 008 - Users.mp4
│   ├── 009 - Registration Validation.mp4
│   ├── 010 - Thinking in Terms of Commands.mp4
│   ├── 011 - Domain Events.mp4
│   ├── 012 - Super Easy Flash Messaging.mp4
│   ├── 013 - Feedback and Filters.mp4
│   ├── 014 - Signing In.mp4
│   ├── 015 - Returning the Tests to Green.mp4
│   ├── 016 - Publishing Statuses.mp4
│   ├── 017 - Integration Testing Repositories.mp4
│   ├── 018 -  Gravatars and View Presenters.mp4
│   ├── 019 - Designing Statuses.mp4
│   ├── 020 - Dummy Users and Statuses.mp4
│   ├── 021 - Browsing Users With Pagination.mp4
│   ├── 022 - Profiles.mp4
│   ├── 023 - Refactoring Session #1.mp4
│   ├── 024 - Following Users.mp4
│   └── 025 - Following Users: Part 2.mp4
├── The Lifecycle of a New Feature
│   ├── 01-The Needs of the Business.mp4
│   ├── 02-Purchasing a Lesson.mp4
│   └── 03-Scenarios and Refactoring.mp4
└── Understand Regular Expressions
    ├── 001 - A Birds-Eye View.mp4
    ├── 002 - Alternation.mp4
    └── 003 - Character Sets.mp4

10 directories, 278 files